Should You Service Your Brakes When They Start Squealing?

Squeaky brakes are one of the easiest automotive maintenance symptoms to recognize. The sound of a squealing brake pad on most cars is pretty unmistakable. However, what causes your brakes to squeal? And does squealing mean it's always time to schedule a brake service and install more pads? The answers to these questions can be a little more nuanced than you might expect. Why Are Your Brake Pads Squealing? There's generally only one reason that brake pads squeal: metal-on-metal contact.

3 Types Of Accident Damage That Will Junk Your Car

If you drive a relatively new vehicle, the value may be high enough that your insurance company will pay for repairs to fix nearly any type of damage. Unfortunately, older vehicles aren't so lucky. If your daily driver is a beater, there's a good chance you aren't even carrying collision coverage, ultimately leaving you with the difficult decision of what to do with your car following an accident. While you may be willing to put up with a few dings and dents, some forms of damage are too costly to deal with on an older vehicle.